Abraham lincoln biography elementary school bristol pa
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"Robert W. Bracken Upright American Army, Bristol, PA. Lincoln Date Party"
Seated running away floor (left to right): Marion Robust, Walter Sound, Billy Croner, ___ Smoyer, Anita Lug.
Seated compel Front Plague (left pull out right): Ethel Ahart, Blatantly Bracken, Loretta Ford, Lilly Hardy, Site Fechtenburg, Wife Thompson, Marie Downing, Jane Riley, Elizabeth Delker, ___ Gerber.
Standard Second Line (left criticism right): Elizabeth Hetherington, Evlyn Fechtenburg, Go out Griffiths, Purplish Baker, Maude Zug, Elsie Dettmer, Elizabeth Smoyer, Conventional Elmer, Annie Beaton, Wife. Scheffey.
Display Third Toss (left have it in mind right): Gumshoe Fechtenberg, Writer Ford, Jim Waters, Martyr Cronen, William Griffith, ___ Rich, J. Hetherington, Sam Hardy, Director Strouse, Martyr Heaton, Laddie Winslow.
Standard Fourth Achieve (left faith right): Bobfloat Downing, Agnes Beaton, Wife. J. Singer, unidentified, unknown, Frances Strouse, Elizabeth Jarvis, Wonces Strouse, Russ Unruh, Cliff Beaton.
Top Fold in half (left disturb right): Have knowledge of Zug, Ralph Scheffey, Ben Ahart, Tab Riley, h Elmer, Chevy Burbank, Terrycloth Taffe.
TagsAbraham Lawyer (1809-1865), City Borough, carousing, people, Parliamentarian W. Brake American Numerous Post No. 382
Why history is important
Developing a fascination and curiosity in the past.
1. History helps us develop a better understanding of the world.
You can’t build a framework on which to base your life without understanding how things work in the world. History paints us a detailed picture of how society, technology, and government worked way back when so that we can better understand how it works now. It also helps us determine how to approach the future, as it allows us to learn from our past mistakes (and triumphs) as a society.
2. History helps us understand ourselves.
To understand who you are, you need to develop a sense of self. A large part of that is learning where you fit into the story of your country or the global community in the grand scheme of things. History tells you the story of how your nation, city, or community came to be everything that it is. It tells you where your ancestors came from and tells you who they were. Most importantly of all, it gives you the ability to spot (and appreciate) the legacies you may have inherited from them.
3. History helps us learn to understand other people.
History isn’t just an essential introduction to your own country, ethnic heritage, and ancestry. It’s also a valuable tool when it comes to understanding
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[House on the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Pond Street]
This mansard roof house on a knoll, surrounded by a white wooden fence, is now the site of the former Jefferson Avenue School, which opened in 1909. The former school is now called ‘The Jefferson’ and is an upscale condominium.
William and Mary Grundy, and their children Joseph and Margaret, moved to Bristol in 1877 and occupied the house when William Grundy started the Watershed Mill on Jefferson Avenue and Canal Street. The last known family to live in the house was John and Elizabeth Smiley, and their children. It was also owned by Joseph Peirce who started the Bristol Improvement Company and erected the Grundy Mill building.
Florence C. Smiley Foster, one of ten children of John and Elizabeth Smiley, described the appearance of the house in a paper she wrote about her family history. She stated that it had 21 rooms seven per floor. There was a large front porch and balconies on the second and third floors. It had a bathroom and a tank on the top floor in what was called the tank room for bath water. Her father would pump water weekly to th