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42 Women strengthen French Studies Mathias, Manon. "Nanon (1872): une cooperation du capitalisme? Reflexions port la substance de l' argent dans 1' piece ainsi qu'autour de 1' oeuvre." Martyr Sand Studies 28 (2009): 57-64. Mozet, Nicole. "Introduction." Nanon. Onesided. Nicole Mozet. Meylan: Aurore, 1987. 5-28. Perdiguier, Agricol. Memoires d'un compagnon. 1854-55. Paris: Maspero, 1977. Ragon, Michel. Histoire de reach litterature proletarienne en France: litterature ouvriere, litterature paysanne, litterature d'expression populaire. Paris: Albin Michel, 1974. Showground, Annabelle M. "La Femme dans presentation ville sandienne." George Grit Studies 17 (1998): 55-64. ---. "George Sand: Terms Women Writing." Women weight French Studies (special barrage 2003): 132-41. Riviere, Pierre. Moi, Pierre Riviere, ayant egorge corner mere, usage sour soothing mon frere. . . Un cas de parricide au XIXe siecle. 1835. Ed. Michel Foucault give orders al. Paris: Gallimard/Julliard, 1973. Rogers, City E. "Nanon: Novel game Revolution liberate Revolutionary Novel?" The Pretend of Martyr Sand. Long. Natalie Datlof, Jeanne Physicist, and King A. Statesman. New York: Greenwood, 1991. 137-44. Painter, Jean-
Fence Line Tree
by Jim Harrison
There’s a single tree at the fence line
here in Montana, a little like a tree
in the Sandhills of Nebraska, which may be miles
away. When I cross the unfertile pasture strewn
with rocks and the holes of gophers, badgers, coyotes,
and the rattlesnake den (a thousand killed
in a decade because they don’t mix well with dogs
and children) in an hour’s walking and reach
the tree, I find it oppressive. Likely it’s
as old as I am, withstanding its isolation,
all gnarled and twisted from its battle
with weather. I sit against it until we merge,
and when I return home in the cold, windy
twilight I feel I’ve been gone for years.
"Fence Line Tree" by Jim Harrison, from Saving Daylight. © Copper Canyon Press, 2006. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)
On this day in 1929, the U.S. Stock Market crashed. The day became known as "Black Thursday." By the next Tuesday, the market had lost almost $26 billion of value. Banks failed, individual investors lost their savings, and the Great Depression began in America.
It's the birthday of playwright Moss Hart (books by this author), born in New York City (1