Anita liberty biography

  • Anita Liberty is the creation of comedian Suzanne er.
  • I am Anita Liberty.
  • Anita Liberty is the creation of comedian Suzanne er.

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    Plenty of people go through painful break-ups, but it takes a special talent to turn the experience into a career. Brooklyn-bred Anita Liberty, whose boyfriend Mitchell left her for another woman shortly after he and Anita moved in together, has that talent: rather than sitting around moping, she wrote a book, called "How to Heal the Hurt by Hating," filled with poems, diary entries, and diatribes against Mitchell and the new girlfriend, and developed a live show, short film, and TV projects based on it and her bitter self in general. The dumped everywhere roared their approval, and now she’s back, but what’s this? Success, happiness, and a new man? In "How to Stay Bitter Through the Happiest Times of Your Life," which opens today at HERE and just came out in book form, she describes in her characteristically caustic yet hilarious way how she has tried not to lose touch with the anger that was her raison d’être. We asked her some questions about the show, her art, and her life in New York.

    What were you up to pre-Mitchell break-up? What made you think, when you broke up,

    Liberty, Anita [A pseudonym] (Suzanne Weber)


    Born Suzanne Weber; married; children: one. Education: College graduate.


    Home—New York, NY. E-mail—[email protected].


    Writer and entertainer.


    How to Heal the Hurt by Hating (humor), Ballantine Books (New York, NY), 1998.

    How to Stay Bitter through the Happiest Times of Your Life (humor), Villard Books (New York, NY), 2006.

    Also author, with R.J. Cutler, of the screenplay for the short film titled Anita Liberty which was broadcast by Bravo and the Independent Film Channel (IFC) and screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival. Also author and performer of numerous one-woman shows, including shows Not Thinking about You, performed at the Home Box Office (HBO) Comedy Arts Festival, Aspen, CO, 1996. How to Heal the Hurt by Hating has been published in Greece and Great Britain.


    Anita Liberty is the pen and stage name of Suzanne Weber, a performer and writer whose first book, 1998's How to Heal the Hurt by Hating, is a comedic look at Liberty's breakup with her boyfriend Mitchell as told through a series of diary entries, poems, and advice. In an interview on the Gothamist Web site, the author explained how her book came about: "I always enjoyed writin

  • anita liberty biography

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            How To Stand Bitter Attempt the Happiest Times

    How To Block up Bitter Conquest the Happiest Times


    Humiliating her ex-boyfriend Mitchell hostage public was a entirely satisfying employment for anita