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- The Current Bear out and Later Direction break on Adjuvant Discourse for Viscus Cancer hurt the Generation of Exactness Medicine
- Jong Hyuk Yun, Yoon Lush Choi, Jae-Ho Cheong
- Received December 18, Accepted Jan 22, Published online Jan 23,
- DOI: [Accepted]
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- Although gastric someone remains a significant without limit health force, its intervention strategies reshape across diverse geographical regions, leading appendix distinct guidelines. In Aggregation, particularly mull it over Korea, D2 gastrectomy followed by auxiliary chemotherapy has been mighty as picture standard manipulation for situation II/III stomachal cancer homegrown on turningpoint clinical trials. However, that "one-size-fits-all" close requires sophistication as emergent evidence suggests heterogeneous outcomes even contained by the unchanged stage. That review discusses the evolving landscape criticize adjuvant misuse in stomachic cancer, accentuation the transmutation towards preciseness medicine. Brandnew molecular performing of viscus cancer has revealed faint subtypes secondhand goods varying prognoses and chemotherapy responses, exemplified by depiction favorable outcomes of microsatellite instability-high tumors without
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- Clinical and laboratory findings of rhabdomyolysis in opioid overdose patients in the intensive care unit of a poisoning center in in Iran
- Khoshideh Babak, Arefi Mohammad, Ghorbani Mazaher, Akbarpour Samaneh, Taghizadeh Fatemeh
- Epidemiol Health. ;e Published online November 8,
- DOI:
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- 15 Web of Science
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The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and demographic characteristics and some laboratory findings of hospitalized patients with acute opioid toxicity and cross-sectional study investigated patients hospitalized at Baharloo Hospital in Tehran in with acute illicit drug toxicity. Data were collected using an investigator-made checklist. The collected data (such as mortality rate, demographic data, and renal function tests, as well as serum biochemical findings) were analyzed by descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.A total of patients were admitted to the hospital in with acute illicit drug toxicity, including males and 63 females. The total number of patients with rhabdomyolysis was 76 (% of the total), of whom 69 (%) were male and 7•
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Michael A. Bushey Glenn A. Mcconkey Ramesh Aacharya Mette Aadahl Rachel Aaron Eske Aasvang Rusnani Ab Latif Ane Abad Motos Judith Abal Julie Abayomi Ali Abbara Ansar Abbas Qalab Abbas Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi Ibrahim M Abbass Mary Abboah-Offei Amir Abdallah Yaser Abdallah Christina Abdel Shaheed Enas Mahrous Abdelaziz Ibtihal Abdelgadir Ahmad Abdin Senbeta Guteta Abdissa Saad Abdiwali Monireh Abdollahi Rosliza Abdul Manaf Faizul Akmal Abdul Rahim Abdul-Fatawu Abdulai Heshu Abdullah-Koolmees Kawsari Abdullah Jabir Abdullakutty Yousif Abdulraheem Aisha Abdurrahman Mesfin Abebe Parvin Abedi Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zuñiga Yirgalem Abere Saba Abidi Ajibola Abioye John Abisheganaden Theodore Joseph J. Ablaza Kibruyisfaw Weldeab Abore Abdul Badi Abou-Samra Sara Aboulaghras Laila Aboulatta Hiluf Abraha Samuel Jk Abraham Ruth Abrams Ahmad Khairul Abrar Maurizio Giuseppe Abrignani Maryline Abt N. Abu Rached Arsalan Abu-Much Amani Abu-Shaheen Alaa Abuawad Mohamed Abuelazm Alhassan Abukari Jose Manuel Aburto Aws Khalid Abushanab Tamar Abzhandadze María Acevedo-Nuevo Aishwarya Acharya Kiran Acharya Krishna Acharya Preetam Acharya Shiva Raj Acharya Subhendu Acharya Tom Achoki Carlos Acuña-Villaorduña Yuichi Adachi Balázs Ádám Ishag Adam Rosalind Adam Sumaiya