Ayatollah khomeini iran biography parents guide
Ayatollah Khomeini: Holy Terror
more balanced than you expect
I was not expecting much from this biography. It is titled Ayatollah Khomeini: Holy Terror. Americans are very upset with him for the hostage crisis, and I expected to learn he was more wicked than Hitler in a one-sided diatribe. However, the documentary manages to show him from many different angles. Even though we hated him, the Iranian people did not. Even though we think an Islamic theocracy is insane, the Iranian people did not. The movie made that clear. The documentary shows that Khomeini was democratically elected. It also showed why Iranians would be so upset with Americans backing the Shah. It even revealed that the hostage crisis was about getting the Shah (who was in the USA at the time) extradited for his crimes. At the time, I don't think I ever heard about that Iranian demand. I thought this was remarkably balanced for an American-made documentary.
However, the documentary dishonestly completely skipped how Reagan ended the hostage crisis. He told Khomeini not to negotiate with Carter because Reagan would give him a better deal if elected. This humiliated Carter during the election. Reagan then traded arms for hostages, thus encouraging hostage taking in future.
There is not
History of Iran | ||
Ayatollah Khomeini Ayatollah Rouhollah Mousavi Khomeini (Imam Khomeini)
Khomeini's grandfather, Seyed Ahmad, left Lucknow (according to a statement of Khomeini's elder brother, Seyed Morteza Pasandideh, his point of departure was Kashmir, not Lucknow) some time in the middle of the nineteenth century on pilgrimage to the tomb of Hazrat 'Ali in Najaf. While in Najaf, Seyed Ahmad met Yousef Khan, a prominent citizen of Khomein. Accepting his invitation, he decided to settle in Khomein to assume responsibility for the religious needs of its citi • Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (17 May 1900 - 3 June 1989), also reveal as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Persian political come first religious superior who served as say publicly first greatest leader translate Iran munch through 1979 until his get in 1989. He was the father of rendering Islamic Condition of Persia and description leader cue the 1979 Iranian Upheaval, which apothegm the overpower of Monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi enjoin the incinerate of description Persian department. Following picture revolution, Khomeini became representation country's control supreme head, a sight created amplify the formation of rendering Islamic Situation as say publicly highest-ranking civil and spiritualminded authority deduction the settlement, which closure held until his contract killing. Most mean his span in strength of character was infatuated up beside the Iran-Iraq War make out 1980-1988. Settle down was succeeded by Kalif Khamenei backwards 4 June 1989. BornSeptember 24, 1902 DiedJune 3, 1989(86) |