Begum akhtar biography of alberta

  • The passage discusses Begum Akhtar's career as a singer of ghazals in North India and Pakistan in the 20th century, and how her artistry was shaped by.
  • Born in the small mofussil town of Faizabad about kilometers from Lucknow, the great center of late-Mughal north Indian culture and art.
  • Akhtaribai Faizabadi or Begum Akhtar was born in a small town of Faizabad in Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
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    In Search of Begum Akhtar PDF

    In Search of Begum Akhtar: Patriarchy, Poetry, and Twentieth-Century Indian Music

    Author(s): Regula Burckhardt Qureshi
    Source: The World of Music, Vol. 43, No. 1, Ethnomusicology and the Individual (), pp.

    Published by: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung
    Stable URL:
    Accessed: UTC

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    the world of music 43 (1) -

    In Search of Begum Akhtar: Patriarchy, Poetry, and

    Twentieth-Century Indian Music

    Regula Burckhardt Qureshi


    Begum Akhtar is best known for her sophisticated mastery of Urdu poetry and light
    classical music in the ghazal of North India and Pakistan. Her musical legacy emerg-
    es fr

    To round off this mini-series of women singers who better to take center stage than Akhtari Bai Faizabadi or as she was known by her stage name, Begum Akhtar.

    Begum Akhtar was the real thing when it came to thumri, dadra and ghazal. Unlike Lata Mangeshkar and Meena Kumari who sang and acted &#;like&#; courtesans (tawaif) in films such as Pakeezah, Begum Akhtar was one of the last links to that north Indian mujra culture that has so captured the imaginations of writers, historians and artists for the past years.

    Born in the small mofussil town of Faizabad about kilometers from Lucknow, the great center of late-Mughal north Indian culture and art, Akhtari Bai&#;s life was not too far off from the conflicted story of Sahibjaan depicted in Pakeezah. The tawaif&#;s life was lived in a tough triangle of lust, shame and desire (for respectability). Many a man with means, social backing and unrealistic expectations tried their hand at taming the shrew.

    In the early 20th century a young Faizabad lawyer fell in &#;love&#; with and married a tawaif but soon tired of her (and one assumes, the  social opprobrium).  Like a villainous lover in the Bollywood melodrama, he abandoned his wife and two young daughters, including one named Bibbi.&n

  • begum akhtar biography of alberta