Biodata purnomo yusgiantoro center
About Us
The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) is a non-profit organization devoted to independent and in-depth research that leading to the provision of policy solutions and/ or recommendations in the field of energy, natural resources, and national defense in local, national, and global levels.PYC places a great emphasis on current issues and challenges in energy, natural resources, and national defense sectors in order to help Indonesia having a significant impact on its sustainable development. To achieve the goals, PYC delivers solutions through independent research projects, seminars, workshops, conferences, and collaborations with public and private institutions on various studies of energy, natural resources, and national defense.On the social front, PYC holds a range of events aiming to assist the society in health, well-being, and education. The center also promotes local and regional heritages to preserve the Indonesian traditional cultures.
Purnomo Yusgiantoro
Indonesian politician (born 1951)
Purnomo Yusgiantoro (born 16 June 1951 in Semarang, Central Java) is an Indonesian politician. He served as Minister of Defense in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet from 2009 to 2014.[1] Previously, he served as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources from 2000 to 2009. He also served as secretary-general of OPEC in 2004.
Early life and education
[edit]Engineering Manager, PT BESSINDO, Jakarta, Indonesia 1979–1986[3]
- MA. Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder Main Campus, Colorado, USA, 1988.[2]
- MSc., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, 1986.[2]
- Ph.D. Mineral/ Natural Resources Economics, Colorado School of Mines at Golden, Colorado, USA, 1988.[2]
- National Defense Institute (Lemhannas), Regular Course (KRA) XXV, First Rank Award Wibawa Seroja Nugraha, 1992.[2]
[edit]- Professor of Development Economics Atma Jaya University (2002 ) and Bandung Institute of Technology (2009).
- Chairman of the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) (Era of President SBY ) 2011.
- Chairman of the Defence Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) (Era of President SBY), 2010–2014.
- Chairman of the Meeting on the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AMEM)on En
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