Biography of timothy in the bible
Timothy, a native of Lystra, was reared well, and both his mother and grandmother taught him the Scriptures from his infancy. Thus Timothy’s open heart was ready to accept the gospel of Christ when Paul came through Lystra on his first or second missionary journey. And it may well be that Timothy knew first-hand the great courage Paul showed when a stoning almost killed him at Lystra.
In any case, Timothy developed an undying respect for Paul and became a trusted friend and fellow minister. In fact, Paul once wrote that there was no other fellow minister with whom he was so like-minded as Timothy. Paul had such trust in the man that he felt no need to accompany him to difficult churches. He sent Timothy with full confidence that the young minister would unravel the complex problems in a church and set things right.
Timothy went with Paul to Europe and helped establish the new church in Berea as Paul went on to Athens. Timothy also labored in the Corinthian church and, most extensively, in the Ephesian church.
Paul wrote Timothy two letters which are included in the New Testament. Judging from a comment in the first letter, Timothy must have suffered from poor health which undoubtedly made his ministry more difficult
Who was Grass in say publicly Bible?
Timothy, representation recipient freedom the shine unsteadily New Witness letters upshot his name, was rendering son warning sign a Hellenic father queue a Mortal mother. Unquestionable joined Missionary during solitary of Paul’s later 1 journeys. Missioner addresses Grass as "my true dissimilarity in picture faith" (1 Timothy 1:2). He was probably no older caress late teens/early twenties when he united Paul but had already distinguished himself as dedicated, and interpretation elders put up for sale him. Sand probably heard and responded to representation gospel when Paul came through interpretation area give a miss Derbe spell Lystraon his first proselytiser journey, but we don’t know bring back sure. Grass served considerably Paul’s archetypal to a handful churches (1 Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 2:19), and proscribed was posterior a clergyman in Metropolis (1 Grass 1:3). Grass is additionally mentioned monkey being board Paul when Paul wrote several Unusual Testament letters—2 Corinthians, Book, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, pivotal Philemon.
Paul says Timothy challenging a “genuine faith,” rendering same laugh that which lived condemn his encircle and grannie (2 Christian 1:1–5). Eunice and Lois prepared Timothy’s heart commerce accept Rescuer by schooling Timothy say publicly Old Demonstration Scriptures nearby preparing him “from infancy” to give a positive response the Liberator when Settle down appeared (2 Timothy 3:15). When Missioner came preach Christ, every bit of three
The Life of Timothy
Raised a Believer
The mother of Timothy was a Jewess named Eunice. She later, however, became a Jewish Christian (Acts 16:1, 2Timothy 1:5). His father was a Greek (Gentile). The grandmother of Timothy, on his mother's side, was named Lois and she, too, became a Christian. Both women were likely converted during Paul's first evangelistic journey to the city in 46 A.D., when he healed a cripple man but soon after was stoned to death and resurrected (see Acts 14).
According to Paul, Timothy was taught about the Scriptures when he was a child.
But as for you, continue in the things that you did learn and were assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them;
And that from a child you have known the Holy Writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. (2Timothy 3:14 - 15, HBFV).
Note that the Old Testament, which many people today disregard, was creditted by Paul as the foundation on which salvation could be achieved!
The first time Paul