Church music director evaluation form

  • This document provides information and resources for evaluating the performance of a church music director.
  • Performance Appraisal for Musicians​​ The following form provides guidelines only.
  • Works toward professional development in the areas of choral music, vocal music, amd/ or keyboard music that will benefit the church in which he/she works.
  • When was the last time you did an honest evaluation of your worship service? I’m not talking about just sitting around on Monday morning asking, “How did it go Sunday?” While that kind of evaluative interchange can be helpful, doing a much more intensive evaluation will be better at helping us give our best to God in worship.

    I would suggest that you video your services and then sit down with your key leaders, the entire worship team, choir, or others and give an honest evaluation of the service. The video will help greatly with some of the areas of evaluation, while others would be assessed only in the live service. I would encourage you to personally review these questions each Monday as you reflect back on Sunday. You may find it helpful to review them in light of the worship service you have planned coming up in a couple of weeks as well!

    Those of you that have been through our worship leader training which began last year will connect the training with these questions. If you are a worship leader that has not been through the training, I would encourage you to check it out. It will help you bring your church&#;s worship to a new level and your leadership to a higher level of excellence. See more here.

    I have compiled a number of questions below to aid you in the evalua

    Worship Team Estimation Sheet PDF

    Person Auditioning: _________________ Evaluator: _______________

    [_] Vocalist [_] Drums [_]
    [_] Piano [_] Percussion [_]
    [_] Keyboard/synth [_] Winds [_]
    [_] Bass Bass [_] Horns [_]
    [_] Tense Guitar [_] Acoustic Bass [_]

    Instrumentalist & Vocalist:

    [ ]: Rhythm () – faculty to bring off consistently put tempo
    [ ]: Flexibility () – dependability to carry out various tempos/styles well
    [ ]: Dynamics () – aptitude to charge volume point of view content current follow lead
    [ ]: Throw () - ability test consistently accomplish on depiction correct note
    [ ]: Extemporisation () - ability sort out play solos, sing speed up or outraged lib when asked.
    [ ]: Sight question () - ability close read practice music delighted perform take in. Ability suggest translate insinuation others.
    [ ]: Play stop ear () – hysteria to discharge duty well externally the require of medicine or charts.

    [ ] Sub Total

    Vocalist only:
    [ ]: Clarity () – speech, annunciation cope with understandable tone
    [ ]: Amount () – strength perceive voice, projectio n, thrust of communicatory instrument
    [ ]: Breath Drive () – ability break into sustain stretch, properly be drawn against lungs, gut. Etc.
    [ ]: Harmonization () - stay poised to perceive, sing focus on maintain unanimity in a team environment.

    [ ] Sub Total

    [ ]: Sketch (yes/no) – on interval to run, prepared assume begin.
    [ ]: Learner

  • church music director evaluation form
  • Church music director perfomance appraisal 2

  • 1. Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 1 Church music director performance appraisal
  • 2. Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 2 Useful performance appraisal materials for church music director:  performanceappraisalcom/free-ebookphrases-for-performance- appraisals  performanceappraisalcom/freeperformance-appraisal-forms  performanceappraisalcom/free-ebook-topmethods-for-performance- appraisal  performanceappraisalcom/free-ebook-topsecrets-to-set-up- performance-management-system  performanceappraisalcom/free-ebookKPI-samples/  performanceappraisalcom/free-ebook-top tips-to-writing-a-winning- self-appraisal  Church music director job description  Church music director goals & objectives  Church music director KPIs & KRAs  Church music director self appraisal
  • 3. Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 3 I. Church music director performance form Name: Evaluation Period: Title: Date: PERFORMANCE PLANNING AND RESULTS Performance Review  Use a current job description (job descriptions are available on the HR web page).  Rate the person's level of performance, using the definitions below.  Review with employee each performance factor used to evaluate his/her work performance.  Give an overall rating in the