Daydreams lyrics breanne duren biography

  • You are the star of my daydreams, everything you are is my reverie.
  • 13 years ago more.
  • 8:05 · Go to channel A Sad Moment in American History.
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    Tony Cummings reports on the singer/songwriter from Owatonna, Minnesota, Adam Young, better known as OWL CITY

    It's extremely rare to find a pop chart topper like Adam Young - now known by millions as Owl City - talk so openly about his Christian faith. But then, there's nothing typical about this shy, softly-spoken 23 year old from Owatonna, Minnesota, who found international fame making recordings in his parents' basement to combat his insomnia. But then there's nothing typical about Owl City's music. Labeled "synth pop", "alternative rock", "electronica" and "emo" by a somewhat bemused media, Young himself described his music on his Facebook page. "If your household appliances wrote love songs while you were away on vacation, their cheerful blips and bleeps would pour out the windows, sweep through the neighborhood like candy-coated tidal waves, and you would return home to find crowds of people standing on your lawn, clapping and singing along to the happiest pop melodies imaginable."

    If such descriptions are just as fanciful as his lyrics about "ten million fireflies" that "fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere" he was much more direct when asked by Back Beat, Seattle, about his Christian faith. He said, "I don't write Christian songs but I am a Christ


    Artist: Owl City
    Album: Ocean Eyes
    Year: 2009
    Grade: B

    In Brief: Sometimes you need to have a little bouncy, youthful, innocuous fun. Owl City’s here for the wide-eyed 16-year-old blogger inside some of us.

    Alright, music lovers! Are you ready for a heaping dollop of synthesized pop music that emphasizes all of the laptoppy stuff over the live, acoustic instruments? How about a generous helping of puns so bad they make your average Relient Ksong look like Pulitzer prize material by comparison? And on top of that, a solid dose of everyone’s favorite musical gadget, the auto-tune? If you said “Yes” to all of the above, then have I got the album for…

    “No”? What do you mean, “No”?! Why the hell not? How could you possibly resist Owl City‘s full-on assault of front-to-back electronic earworms, cleverly designed to make sure that an entire generation will be blogging (or at least Twittering; young folks are somewhat ADD these days) to the tune of each of them until the music reaches its sell-by date? What’s wrong with you? If this ain’t up your alley, then you’re just plain no fun. I’m gonna take my toys and go home.

    Alright, I kid, but Owl City

  • daydreams lyrics breanne duren biography