German castro caycedo biography of abraham

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      Colombia-Amarga-Primer-Capitulo-German-Castro-Caycedo KK

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      • german castro caycedo biography of abraham
      • Notes


        GM     García Márquez

                     GGM     Gabriel García Márquez

                                   OHYS     One Hundred Years of Solitude

        Prologue: From Origins Obscure (1800–1899)

        1. This section, despite its somewhat literary style, is based directly upon conversations with Luisa Santiaga Márquez in Cartagena in 1991 and in Barranquilla in 1993; and on Gabriel García Márquez’s (henceforth GGM’s) and his sister Margarita’s (henceforth Margot’s) own recollections.

        2. This prologue and the next three chapters are based upon conversations with all the members of the García Márquez (henceforth GM) family and many members of the extended family over the period 1991–2008, as well as many journeys around the Colombian Costa from Sucre to Riohacha and beyond, some of them with GGM’s brothers. The most authoritative informants were Ligia GM, a Mormon, who considers it her duty to research her family’