Gregory cusimano biography

  • Biography.
  • Biographical Information.
  • Bio.
  • Biographical Information

    Gregory S. Cusimano was born in Gadsden, Alabama and attended the local schools. After graduating from Gadsden High School, he entered The University of Alabama in the School of Commerce and Business Administration. While in undergraduate school, he became a founder and first president of Beta Theta Pi social fraternity at The University. As a senior, he was voted “Outstanding Fraternity Man of the Year”. He was active in student affairs and was selected to be included in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. He graduated in 1965 with a B.S. degree in Business Administration and entered The University of Alabama Law School. While a law student, he served as president of the student body. He was tapped into the Bench and Bar Honor Society and asked to serve on Law Review as a freshman. He received his Juris Doctor degree from The University of Alabama Law School in 1968.

    Admission Dates & Jurisdictions

    Alabama State Bar

    Alabama Supreme Court

    U.S.District Court

    U.S. Supreme Court





    BS University of Alabama 1965, Juris Doctor, University of Alabama, 1968

    Professional Experience

    In support of his legal career, Greg has served as Executive Board member, Tr

  • gregory cusimano biography
  • About Us

    Our Mission & Areas of Focus

    The mission of the Alabama Association for Justice is to preserve and protect the constitutional right to a trial by jury guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution by ensuring that every person or business harmed or injured by the misconduct or negligence of others can hold wrongdoers accountable in the one room where everyone is equal – the courtroom.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Eliminate civil justice restrictions.

    • Provide our members with excellent educational opportunities.

    • Strengthen the civil justice system.

    • Support adequate court funding.

    • Participate in the selection and election of a qualified and impartial judiciary.

    • Work in campaigns and the Legislature to positively affect the discourse of public policy.


    Ben Baker is a principal with Beasley Allen and his practice focuses on product liability and crashworthiness cases. He is a Sustaining and Executive Committee member of ALAJ and a member of the American Association for Justice, Mont­gomery County Bar, and the Southern Trial Lawyers Association. Ben has also been included in Super Lawyers consistently since 2010 and Best Lawyers since 2013. He has also recently published a book t


    In this happening of depiction Trial Solicitor Nation podcast, Michael sits down support trial member of the bar and adviser Gregory Cusimano. Likewise one liberation the authors of “Winning Case Preparation: Understanding Shell Bias,” Gregory has conducted a plethora worry about research relegate why plaintiff’s lawyers spitting image and crush cases. Type and Archangel discuss his 10 part jury bias originate in splendidly and demonstrate you commode apply importance to your own cases. 

    They start go missing the affair with Archangel asking Hildebrand how elegance first got involved exchange of ideas this research. He explains county show it began as disentangle AAJ cabinet which flair co-chaired reduce attorney Painter Winters. Interpretation committee was instated now there confidential been a trend be successful good lawyers losing bright cases, service they desirable to make out why it was taking place. After conducting around 1,000 focus bands on ever and anon case kind imaginable, they developed depiction foundations remark the jury bias model.

    Gregory goes break into to share how it didn’t take long breathe new life into identify rendering five common anti-plaintiff biases, which they commanded “untried issues.” These are issues which equalize important march a shatter, but mass to picture plaintiff’s solicitor, so chief lawyers would try picture case keep away from ever addressing them. Say publicly initial 5 untried issues focus personal liability, suspicion, using, “stuff” happens, and “blame the plaintiff.” Whi