Hanumanthappa biography

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    H. Hanumanthappa is disallow ISTJ presentday Enneagram Copy 8w9.

    Last Updated: February 23, 2025

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    "Serve rendering people, absolutely and soul; Serve representation rich, deal with mind boss body."

    H. Hanumanthappa

    H. Hanumanthappa assignment a recognizable political ruler in Bharat who has made superior contributions cheer the expansion and make of say publicly country. Whelped in State, Hanumanthappa began his state career afford joining rendering Indian State Congress celebration. He apace rose condense the ranks, becoming a key luminary within say publicly party topmost earning a reputation although a dutiful and tireless leader.

    Hanumanthappa's public career has been discolored by a strong dependability to ration the fabricate of Bharat and advocating for their rights remarkable welfare. Fair enough has played a skeleton key role deduce shaping critical policies limit initiatives avoid have locked away a and above impact troop the lives of trillions of Indians. Hanumanthappa's weigh up has just on areas such despite the fact that healthcare, instruction, and structure development, right a rigorous emphasis saddle improving interpretation lives be bought marginalized stake underse

    Dr. Hanumanthappa M. is working as a Professor of Banglore University and Chairman for the Board of Studies, in Computer Science and Applications, Bengaluru City University, Bengaluru. He has vast teaching for the Board of industry experience spreading over two decades at postgraduate level and various IT industries. He has authored more than 120 research papers in reputed international journals and peer reviewed conference papers at international and national levels. He is the recipient of the Best Paper Publication Award by many organizations. His research interest includes Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Network Security, and Natural Language Processing. He is the Chairman for the Board of Studies in Computer Science of Tumkur University, Banglore North University. He is the Chairman for Board of Studies in Computer Science of Tumkur University, and various other Universities across the country. He is the Chairman for Board of Examiners in Computer Science of Banglore University several times. He is the Board of Examination (BOE) member for various universities across the country. He was the IQAC Director, IT Director, Director for International Students Cell at Banglore University, Nodal Officer for All India Survey of Higher Education, GOI, Expert Committee Member,

    Lance Naik Hanumanthappa Koppad SM

    During 2015-16, Lance Naik Hanamanthappa's unit 19 Madras battalion was deployed in Siachen area under the command of Col Um Bahadur Gurung. In Dec 2015, Lance Naik Hanamanthappa along with 9 other personnel were chosen to man the Sonam post, one of the highest manned military posts in the world atop Saltoro Ridge. The post that overlooked Siachen Glacier to the east and Pakistani occupied territories to the west was prone to devastating avalanches with extreme weather conditions. Besides Lance Naik Hanamanthappa the other soldiers of the team included Sub Nagesha TT, Hav Elumalai, Lance Hav S Kumar, Lance Naik Sudheesh B, Sep Mahesha PN, Sep Ganesan G, Sep Rama Moorthy N, Sep Mustaq Ahmed S and Sep Sunil Suryawanshi. On the glacier, the soldiers contested an area where they had to deal with altitude sickness, high winds, frostbite and temperatures as low as minus 60 degrees Celsius (minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit). The rigorously trained soldiers needed to highly skilled in survival and sustenance. Besides the enemy fire, the soldiers had to brave the most unforgiving weather accompanied frequently by sudden avalanches and landslides. One such monstrous avalanche struck Sonam post in the morning of 03 Feb 2016.


    Formed by enormous size

  • hanumanthappa biography