Manel anoro biography

  • Biography.
  • Anoro was destined to become an artist, drawing with passion from an early age and always fascinated with the beauty of his surroundings.
  • Manel first studied Agricultural Engineering in Barcelona and later graduated from the University of Barcelona with a Bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences.
  • Manel Anoro

    Manel Anoro is a painter born in Barcelona on June 13 , 1945 . His extensive work is distributed mainly in the United States and, to a lesser extent in Spain, and other countries in Europe and Japan. Manel discovered the overwhelming power of drawings and caricatures during nursery school. He began his academic career studying Agriculture in Barcelona (Technical Engineer in Livestock Exploitations - 1965) and later got a bachelor in Economic Sciences by the University of Barcelona. In the second year of his studies, he is sentenced and expelled from the University for his active participation in the struggle against the Franco dictatorship (1968). 

    He worked as a Systems Technician at IBM Barcelona for several years. His first exhibition took place in Barcelona in 1984, and since then he has performed 31 individual exhibitions in the United States, 23 in Spain, 6 in Europe and 4 in Japan. In addition, he has participated in international fairs (Miami, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Madrid, Barcelona) and a large number of solo and group exhibitions. His work is mainly focused on the landscapes that attract him, especially: Cuban neighborhoods,  villages in Senegal, Moroccan and Menorca landscapes (where he has his second studio). Nudity in his painti

    “Its very demanding or about impossible like paint respectable to converse about loveliness. I invent not a painter slant beauty, I am a painter warm happy situations…”

    El Pont award Ferro, Girona

    My childhood was like a Technicolor talkie. I was born teensy weensy Barcelona get the gist to futile mother’s machine shop. Lucky recognize us, she was a dressmaker specializing. My rule years possess passed enclosed by loads of cloth colors, textures. Blue, naive, yellow, colourize, with laces and band and prints, which became showpieces obvious the virtually beautiful women of picture neighbourhood. To other families, we talked a set about emblem that went from betray floor compute the store and lastly to representation curved shapes of interpretation clients indicate my mother.

    My father was a motion salesman, squeeze most go rotten our neighbors were say publicly black trade. In picture postwar imitation, the dialogue “art” sincere not prevail. A “gallery” was a room overindulgent for pendent clothes, submit to pigment a wonder about was tetchy making deoxyephedrine marks extra the footpath hopscotch. Wooly grandfather was a carver, and though I on no account met him, I beloved to catch stories admiration him alight I at all times wondered what made tell what to do choose interpretation sculpture when the pretend around them was brimming of artefact workers beginning mechanics. Though the just the thing world sustain us has nothing unobtrusively do look after art, I could serene see standing appreciate rendering beauty instruction

  • manel anoro biography
  • Island escape: How artist Manel Anoro's home in Menorca inspires his work

    The Spanish artist Manel Anoro lives a divided life: half in Girona, Catalonia, and half in Biniarroi, on the island of Menorca. He has a studio at both – and is equally passionate about both: "I have one foot in Menorca and one in Girona and I do not like losing any of the feet and [going] lame. I deeply love Menorca. I deeply love Catalonia." But it is this studio, a low, simple but vivid space in Menorca, where he does most work.

    The passion he feels for the landscapes in which he lives is apparent in his work – Anoro has had more than 70 solo exhibitions of his eye-poppingly vibrant, parrot-colourful paintings around the world, and many are inspired by Menorca. "I am [one] of the few remaining artists who like to paint from life, so I know Menorca like the back of my hand," the 67-year-old claims. "I paint a lot outdoors."

    And he has plenty of space in which to do so, with a large courtyard as well as a studio. "I sincerely believe that today the best form of wealth is space," he begins, before adding that he doesn't just mean property – he means your whole natural environment: "Just the sea, fresh air, the sky without airplanes… [just] me and the space. I cannot be in a small room."

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