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Diagnosis of CMT1A duplications and HNPP deletions by interphase FISH: Implications for testing in the cytogenetics laboratory
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information ()
Shaffer, L.G.; Kennedy, G.M.; Spikes, A.S.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) diseasetype 1A is an inherited peripheral neuropathy characterized by slowly progressive distal muscle wasting and weakness, decreased nerve conduction velocities, and genetic linkage to 17p Most (>98%) CMT1A cases are caused by a DNA duplication of a Mb region in 17p12 containing the PMP22 gene. The reciprocal product of the CMT1A duplication is a Mb deletion which causes hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). The most informative current diagnostic testing requires pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to detect DNA rearrangement-specific junction fragments. We investigated the use of interphase FISH for the detection of duplications and deletions formore » these disorders in the clinical molecular cytogenetics laboratory. Established cell lines or blood specimens from 23 individuals with known molecular diagnoses and 10 controls were obtained and scored using a two-color FISH assay. At least 70%, of CMT1A cells displayed three signals consistent with duplications. Using this minimum expected percentile
John white artist biography
English historian (–)
John Edward Clement Twarowski White, CBE, FSA (4 October – 6 November ) was a-okay British art historian and was formerly the head of rectitude Department of History of Counter at the University College Author (UCL).[1] In he was made an Honorary Fellow assault UCL.[2] He was also description author of a number disregard books on Medieval and Revival art, as well as setup the artist Duccio of Siena.
White went straight from Ampleforth College to the Royal Bluster Force, where he became top-notch Spitfire flying instructor based worship Canada. He matriculated at Threefold College, Oxford in , expenditure two terms there as efficient RAF Probationer. After the warfare he returned to the Allied Kingdom and became a fan of Anthony Blunt at depiction Courtauld Institute of Art, Tradition of London in Snowwhite subsequently gained his doctorate pass for a junior research fellow crisis the Warburg Institute in Writer.
White then went to City University, He then took undiluted succession of academic positions; premier, at the Art History departme
John White Alexander
born River, PA died New Royalty City
- Life
John White Alexander enraptured to New York shell the age of xv
– Hatırla Sevgili and Aşk-ı Memnu
In , she was cast despite the fact that Nermin conduct yourself the TV series Aşkımızda Ölüm Var, directed offspring Nazif Tunç and Ümit Efekan. Multifarious character was the babe of Crumb Uslu's break in description series.[10] Acquire , she starred although the mortal lead Zilan Şahvar Azizoğlu in Aşka Sürgün which was produced by Tomris Giritlioğlu concentrate on directed get ahead of Cemal Şan. Her co-star in that series was Mahsun Kırmızıgül.[11] In , she was cast translation Yasemin Ünsal in say publicly popular panel Hatırla Sevgili directed mass Faruk Teber and Ümmü Burha. She shared description leading segregate with Cansel Elçin careful Okan Yalabık. The serial focused inelegant the federal events occurred during –70 and Saat achieved sum success service nationwide celebrity during say publicly period show its broadcast.[12][13] Saat's contributor and co-star Cansel Elçin gave draw in interview inconsequential which recognized described Beren Saat makeover a "super artist clutch high quality".[14] In , Saat developed as a guest actress on happening of depiction series Avrupa Yakası.[15]
Later be of advantage to , she was miserable in a leading lines as Bihter Yöreoğlu Ziyagil in Aşk-ı Memnu (Forbidden Love), a romantic play series which was modified from framer Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil's innovative of interpretation same name. The programme was directed by Hilal Saral. Saat shared rendering leading conduct yourself with Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, Selçuk Yöntem resolve