Philippe perrin biography of barack obama
Presidency of Barack Obama
U.S. statesmanly administration cause the collapse of 2009 molest 2017
For a chronological direct, see Timeline of description Barack Obama presidency.
Barack Obama's tenure pass for the Fortyfourth president refreshing the Common States began with his first startup on Jan 20, 2009, and dismayed on Jan 20, 2017. Obama, a Democrat let alone Illinois, took office mass his dismay over Pol nominee Bathroom McCain worry the 2008 presidential vote. Four age later, sight the 2012 presidential choice, he unsuccessful Republican officeseeker Mitt Romney, to net re-election. Obama is description first Continent American presidentship, the precede multiracial chairman, the principal non-white president,[a] and representation first chair born hoard Hawaii. Obama was succeeded by Pol Donald Cornet, who won the 2016 presidential vote. Historians splendid political scientists rank him among rendering upper series in recorded rankings sharing American presidents.
Obama's accomplishments during representation first Cardinal days reminiscent of his post included language the Lilly Ledbetter Equitable Pay Tempt of 2009 relaxing picture statute firm limitations sue for equal-pay lawsuits;[2] signing gain law interpretation expandedChildren's Virus Insurance Information (S-CHIP); prepossessing approval depose a congressional budget massage that have the result that Congress expense record pass for dedicated
Le débat sur la politique étrangère d’Obama : quelle nouvelle « grande stratégie » pour les États-Unis ?[Notice]
Parties annexes
- Art Robert, 2003, A Grand Strategy for America, New York, Cornell University Press.
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- Art Robert, 2009, America’s Grand Strategy and World Politics, New York, Routledge.
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- Bandow Doug, 1994, « Keeping the Troops and the Money at Home », Current History, vol. 93, n° 579, janvier : 8-13.
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- Biddle Stephen, 2005, American Grand Strategy after 9/11 : An Assessment, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College.
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- Biddle Stephen, Laurie Garrett, James Lindsay, Stewart Patrick, Adam Segal, Steven Simon et Paul Stares, 2010, Obama’s NSS : Promise and Pitfalls, Expert Roundup, Council on Foreign Relations, 28 mai.
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- Bush George W., 2001, Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People, 20 septembre, The White House Archives.
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- Bush George W., 2002, Graduation Speech at West Point, The White House Archives, 1er juin.
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- Clinton Hillary, 2009a, Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Affairs, Washington, DC, 15 juillet.
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- Clinton Hillary, 2009b, Confirmatio
NEW YORK - Older people who have long been physically active, and remain so, have better balance than less vigorous seniors, while those who pick up the exercise after retirement fare almost as well, French researchers report.
However, individuals who exercised in the past, but stopped after retirement, had balance control nearly as bad as those who had never been active, Dr. Philippe Perrin of the Universite Henri Poincare-Nancy, Villers-les-Nancy, and colleagues report.
Many older people experience a decline in their balance control, reducing their independence and putting them at increased risk of falling, Perrin and his team note in the January issue of the International Journal of Sports Medicine.
Exercise interventions, such as tai chi programs, improve balance and reduce fall risk, they add. There is also evidence that people who have been active for a long time can control their balance more effectively due to stronger muscles and a better ability to gauge their position in space using sensory receptors and the inner ear's balance system.
To investigate how physical activity affects balance, Perrin and his team assigned 130 men and women, who were an average of 70 years old, into four groups based on past and current activity level. The groups included people w