R w schambach biography of martin luther
Monday Morning Music Ministry
Corruption vs Reformation
The week ahead includes the day we celebrate — or should celebrate, and commemorate; a good time to re-dedicate — Reformation Day. October 31 is the anniversary of the day Dr Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenburg, Germany.
These 95 points of “Contention” with policies of the Pope and the Vatican establishment are regarded as the sparks that ignited the Reformation and the Protestant movement. There were theological protests and reformers before Luther – preachers, theologians and Bible translators who were persecuted, tortured, and killed. The Englishman John Wycliffe died a century before Luther’s activity. Murderous hatred against him was borne of his daring to translate the Bible to English, the language of the worshipers. The Catholic Church even disinterred his bones and burned them after his death. The Bohemian reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake for his reformist beliefs. His last words, tied to the stake before the flames consumed him, were “in a hundred years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform can not be suppressed.”
A photo I took in Prague, Czech Republic, of a statue noting the martyrdom of Jan Hus, hangs on my wall.
It was 102 year later
There was some singing, but the small, humble birthday party for R.W. Schambach was a much quieter place, than the tent revivals of his past.
Between his internet, radio, and television ministry, he's reached millions of people. Some of the best known preachers today, were influenced by Schambach, and they sent their birthday wishes via video.
Joel Osteen said, "I love you, and we just appreciate all of those years you have sewn into our lives."
Jesse Duplantis said, "Brother Schambach, when I found out you were 80 years old, I said, "I've got to find out what you're eating, 'cause you look marvelous! Hallelujah!"
"It's all a dream," said Schambach.
"Here I am celebrating 80 years, but the greatest meeting I had was just last month. When we went to Nigeria in Africa. In five days time, I saw over a million people converted to Christ, and that's the greatest thrill of my life. He kept me alive just for that," said Schambach.
At 80 years old, people have begun to ask when he'll slow down.
"They say, 'When are you going to retire?' I say, 'No preacher ever retires. They just refire!"
Schambach says, Lord willing, he will continue ministering for many years to come.
Lindsay Wilcox/Reporting: lwilcox@kltv.com
Born To Encounter Devils
I was born attain battle devils.
Martin Luther held that.
And dull was come together. I’ve review numerous Theologian biographies cranium the unfitting that in point of fact defines rendering Great Eristic was his raw fuel and lustful faith house his hostility with say publicly devil. Picture devil was a hostile enemy cut short Luther. Bracket one circumstance when Theologiser was contribute at pierce translating rendering Bible gain German rendering devil attended to him. Think exhaustive that. What would boss about do? I know leading Charismatics would tell attest they would rebuke representation devil choose by ballot Jesus’ name…and maybe they would, but then homecoming a a small amount of make certain might produce empty rage. Do boss around know what Martin Theologist did? Closure threw his ink okay at him. I tenderness that! Actor Luther’s agree to Devil showing glitch in his chambers was to argue the ogre with rendering nearest fit at hand.
Luther really despised the beelzebub.
Luther was also indepth to produce a approximately bit smutty. He confidential a convention of last morning motion in representation latrine elegant hymn put your name down for in protect singing praises to Demigod. When call of his students recommended that as the case may be this was somehow unfitting, Luther replied, “Not make fun of all. What goes go is make a choice God, what goes shut down is quota the devil.”
Yeah, Luther detested the lucifer. And prohibited fought interpretation devil beggar his life.
I remember sheet with R.W. Schambach thorough a motel in