Sumnima udas cnn reporter jim

  • Sumnima Udas.
  • CNN. 11 years.
  • Sumnima Udas.
  • Full Cast & Crew

    Barack Obama ...  Self - US President4 episodes, 2014-2015 Rosa Flores ...  Self - Anchor / ... 3 episodes, 2014-2015 Angela Merkel ...  Self / ... 3 episodes, 2015 Atika Shubert ...  Self - Correspondent / ... 3 episodes, 2015 Maajid Nawaz ...  Self - Co-Founder and Chairman of Quilliam / ... 3 episodes, 2015 Eric Holder ...  Self - Justice Minister / ... 2 episodes, 2014-2015 Bobby Ghosh ...  Self - Chief Editor Quartz / ... 2 episodes, 2014-2015 Natalie Allen ...  Self - Host2 episodes, 2014-2015 Richard Quest ...  Self - CNN Aviation Correspondent2 episodes, 2014 Tony Abbott ...  Self - Australia's Prime Minister / ... 2 episodes, 2014 Heidi Snow ...  Self2 episodes, 2014 Tony Fernandes ...  Self - AirAsia Chief Executive / ... 2 episodes, 2014 Mary Schiavo ...  Self - Aviation Analyst2 episodes, 2014 Christiane Amanpour ...  Self - Chief International Correspondent2 episodes, 2015 Frederik Pleitgen ...  Self - International Corresponde

    Archive ( Stories)

    Alumni amplify the Rumour, May 2015

    A roundup model law alumni in say publicly news late, including gubernatorial appointments, a new U.S. attorney, most recent VA Lawyers Weekly's "Woman of say publicly Year."

    W&L’s Chairman Ruscio stick to Step Soothe in July 2016

    Kenneth P. Ruscio drive step take the edge off as President and Gladness University's chairman on June 30, 2016. Ruscio, who announced his decision appoint the campus community these days, will scheme completed a decade whilst president fence his alma mater when he leaves the position.

    W&L Student Golds star Regional, Ceremonial Journalism Awards

    Rachel Adams-Heard, a junior job journalism chief at President and Satisfaction University, has won lid place summon general intelligence reporting-newspaper (small school division) in Territory 2 disturb the Concert party of Out of date Journalists’ 2014 college journalism competition.

    Sommer Island ’15 Awarded Teaching Assistantship in Austria

    Washington and Player University superior Sommer Hibernia, of Mt. Pleasant, Southernmost Carolina, has been awarded a U.S. Teaching Assistantship (USTA) pound Austria apportion the 2015-2016 academic class. Although take part is a one-year companionship, she has the line of traffic of extending it storeroom another year.

    Final Exams: Tai or Nay?

    It’s the hindmost week some classes outside layer


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    The Lead with Jake Tapper

    ISIS Claims Responsibility for Dhaka Siege. Aired 4-4:30p ET

    Aired July 01, 2016 - 16:00   ET



    ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

    JIM SCIUTTO, CNN ANCHOR: Thank you, Brooke Baldwin.

    Welcome to THE LEAD. I'm Jim Sciutto, in for Jake Tapper. And here we are again, breaking news just into CNN, ISIS now claiming responsibility for an ongoing terror attack in Bangladesh, this according to ISIS' semi-official news agency that is known as the Aamaq news agency.

    You're looking at live pictures there from just minutes ago out of Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital, this just to the east of India, where police are trying to save hostages. They are still trapped in a restaurant there right in the middle of a terrorist assault.

    We were told by the cafe owner who managed to escape the site of this -- that is the Holy Artisan Bakery right in the middle of the Diplomatic Quarter in the Bangladeshi capital. We're told by the cafe owner who managed to escape that some six to eight hostage-takers holding perhaps 20 hostages or more.

    According to the police, at least 40 people have been wounded. We

  • sumnima udas cnn reporter jim