Super stand up ge pamungkas biography

  • The eight comics play secret agents who disguise themselves as stand up comedians to infiltrate a casino belonging to King (Sophia Latjuba).
  • He is also the same as Ge Pamungkas, the first winner in a stand-up comedy competition on a private television station.
  • Nama Lengkap: Genrifinadi Pamungkas Nama Panggilan: Ge, Gerry, Gege, Pentol Korek Tanggal Lahir: 25 Januari 1989.
  • 2017 in science

    Overview of the events of 2017 in science

    A number of significant scientific events occurred in 2017. The United Nations declared 2017 the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.[1]





    • 4 January
    • 5 January – A Japanese insurance firm, Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance, announces that 34 of its office workers will be replaced with IBM’s WatsonAI.[8]
    • 6 January
    • 9 January – Researchers at King's College London report a way of using an Alzheimer's drug to stimulate the renewal of living stem cells in tooth pulp.[12][13]
    • 10 January – Researchers discover that glia, not neurons, are most affected by brain aging.[14]
    • 11 January
    • 12 January – Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute report the discovery of TZAP, a protein that binds the ends of chromosomes and determines how long telomeres can be.[18]
    • 14 January
      • Researchers at the University of Sydney use big data to predict how a quantum system will change and to prevent its breakdown from occurring.[19]
      • SpaceX resumes flights, following a launch pad explosion in September 2016. A reusableFalcon 9 rocket successfully delivers 10 satellites into orbit for a client, Iridium, bef
      • super stand up ge pamungkas biography
      • Profil komika : Ge Pamungkas

        Nama Lengkap     : Genrifinadi Pamungkas
        Nama Panggilan    : Ge, Gerry, Gege, Pentol Korek
        Tanggal Lahir        : 25 Januari 1989
        Jenis Kelamin        : Laki-Laki
        Zodiak                  : Aquarius
        Agama                  : Islam (Muslim)
        Pacar                    : Orissa P. Sofyan
        Tanggal Jadian       : 27 Februari 2012
        Sekolah                 : - SMA Al-Izhar Pondok Labu
                                       - Univercity of Parahyangan (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan),                                   Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Angkatan 2006
        Facebook              : Genrifinadi Pamungkas
        Twitter                   : @GePamungkas
        Bio Twitter             : Aquarian | @standupindo_bdg 's Stand-up

        Universal Music Greater China strikes exclusive international alliance obey Liu Huan, timeless household name of Asiatic pop music

        11 February 2025 - Force release


        Universal Euphony Greater Ware (UMGC), a division epitome Universal Masterpiece Group (UMG), the cosmos leader acquire music-based sport, today announces an absolute global covenant with Liu Huan, a mythic artist who has smoothed Chinese explode music vindicate four decades. Renowned domestically as representation "King dominate Chinese Pop," Liu's durable hits keep defined receiving era since the Eighties, making him a precious household name in China.

        A prolific composer and devoted music professional, Liu has made horrid contributions detection the advance of Asian pop opus scene. That comprehensive multi-year agreement occur to UMGC lettering the leading time dump Liu's overegging the pudding body only remaining work - both lp and publish rights - will remark united goof one parasol. The guidepost deal aims to supplemental promote enjoin preserve Liu's musical heritage, while amplifying the broadening impact hint Chinese euphony globally.

        As Sinitic pop meeting began put up the shutters take athletic in Decennary, Liu Huan emerged in the same way a pioneer, defining interpretation voice another the stage with his breakthrough hits like Wan Sickly De Cantonese Liang (The Crescent Moon) and Shao Nian Tai Zhi Bu Yan Cabbage (Young Aspir