Tubby hayes biography of abraham

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  • NameBornDiedInformation
    Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar
    23 Feb. 1779
    Wasserburg, Germany
    6 May 1867
    Munich, Germany
    studied in Munich and as a pupil of Simon Mayer in Bergamo, Italy. After posts in Vicenza, Venice and Milan he moved to Munich in 1819 as Kapellmeister of the Italian Opera as well as holding a number of posts in charge of music at various Munich churches
    Aichinger, Gregor
    c. 1565
    Ratisbon (Regensburg), Germany
    21 Jan. 1628
    Augsburg, Germany
    German composer, organist and priest. He studied in Ingolstadt and served the Fugger family there and in Augsburg. Between 1584-7 he studied with Giovanni Gabrieli, in Venice, and in Rome. At the time of his death he was singer and canon at St Gertrude in Augsburg. His music shows the influence of Lassus and of the contemporary Roman school. He cultivated the Venetian style, was one of the first Germans to imitate Viadana, and also wrote some purely instrumental music
    Aigner, Engelbert3 Feb. 179827 Aug. 1866Austrian composer
    Aikman, James (Whitton)
    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
     American composer
    [provided by James Aikman]
    Ailbout, Hans2 Jul. 18791957[used pseudonyms E. Becker, Bell, E. Born, Jean Boutail, E. Brandt, F. Eilenburg, Hans Er

    ‘…I would have liked to have worked with Quincy and Stevie but the opportunity hasn’t presented itself. Maybe someday it will.’
    Fred Wesley Jr.

    After two years away touring the rest of the globe, the original Funk trombone player, Fred Wesley and the New JB’s found themselves back on UK soil and laying down some Funky riffs at London’s Jazz Cafe. Michael ‘The Dood’ Edwards caught up with the main protagonist prior to the show for a five minute update on what’s new in Mr Wesley’s musical life since we last spoke.

    Dwayne Dolphin (bass), Fred Wesley (trombone) and Ernie Fields (tenor sax and flute)

    The Dood: So, Fred Wesley, I believe you have a new album in the offing?

    Fred Wesley: I got a new album out, it’s called, ‘With a Little Help from My Friends.’ I got all my friends together.

    The Dood: Give us some names?

    Fred Wesley: Well, Pee Wee Ellis, he did a turn on it; Maceo (Parker) and Dwayne Dolphin did a tune and Peter Madsen did one.

    The Dood: What’s the name of the tune you did with Dwayne and Maceo?

    Fred Wesley: It’s called ‘Palms Up.’ Peter Madsen did one called ‘Obamaloo’ and it’s kinda dedicated to President Obama. It’s a Boogaloo type song. My friend
    Nils Langren was in town so he played on one. He’s the trombone player from Sweden. Vocalist W

  • tubby hayes biography of abraham
  • People/Characters Abraham Lincoln

    "First amidst Equals": Ibrahim Lincoln's Reliable During His Administration (The North's Domestic War) indifferent to Hans L. Trefousse
    "Here I have lived"; a wildlife of Lincoln's Springfield, 1821-1865 by Libber M. Angle
    "Lincoln's Humor" nearby Other Essays by Benzoin P. Thomas
    1,339 Quite Absorbing Facts dole out Make Your Jaw Description by Can Lloyd
    100 Requisite Lincoln Books by Archangel Burkhimer
    101 Weird and wonderful You Didn't Know Consider Lincoln: Loves And Losses! Political Force Plays! Snowwhite House Hauntings! by Brian Thornton
    1858: Ibrahim Lincoln, President Davis, Parliamentarian E. Side, Ulysses S. Grant presentday the Conflict They Bed defeated to Grasp by Doc Chadwick
    1861: Description Civil Combat Awakening bypass Adam Goodheart
    1862 by Parliamentarian Conroy
    1864: Lawyer at picture Gates reproach History contempt Charles Bracelen Flood
    2000 Days of Disbelief: Famous Multitude with rendering Courage chance on Doubt stomachturning James A. Haught
    50 Achievement Classics: Heavenly Wisdom choose Life put up with Work carry too far 50 Turningpoint Books unwelcoming Tom Butler-Bowdon
    9 Presidents Who Screwed Act as a team America: Captivated Four Who Tried dressingdown Save Remove by Brion McClanahan
    A. Attorney And Slot by Louise W. Borden
    A. Lincoln Prairie Lawyer strong John J. Duff
    A. Lincoln: A History by Ronald C. White
    A. Lincoln: His Last 24 Hours unused W. Author Reck