Aslam pervez biography of michael
Hadis eleştirisi
Hadis eleştirisi, İslam peygamberiMuhammed'in söz, eylem, sessiz onaylarından oluşan ve kanonlaştırılmışİslamî literatür türünün eleştirisidir.[1]
MüslümanlarınMuhammed'e itaat etmelerini söyleyen Nur: 54,Âl-i İmrân: 32 gibi ayetlerdeki emirler[2] ve "İçinizden Allah'ın lütfuna ve ahiret gününe umut bağlayanlar, Allah'ı çokça ananlar için hiç şüphe yok ki, Resûlullah'ta güzel bir örneklik vardır." (Ahzâb: 21) şeklindeki ayetler nedeniyle ana akım İslammezhepleri için hadisler dikkate değer bir öneme sahiptir.[3] Ana akım İslam, "sünnet"in -Muhammed'in öğretileri ve yaptıklarının- Kur'an gibi itaat edilmesi gereken ilahi bir vahiy olduğunu savunur. Ayrıca, İslamî hukuk kurallarının (şeriat) "büyük çoğunluğu" Kur'an'dan ziyade hadislerden türetilmiştir.
Klasik hadis ilimi, sahte rivayetleri ayıklamak ve klasik hadis koleksiyonlarında derlenen "sağlam" veya sahîh hadislerin bir çekirdeğini oluşturmak için geliştirilmiştir. Ancak bazı Müslüman düşünürler ve İslam ekolleri, bu çabaların yeterince ileri düzeye gitmediğini iddia etmektedir. Şikayetleri arasında, başlangıçta her nesilde hadislerin sayısında şüphe uyandıracak derecede büyük bir artış olduğu,[4] çok sayıda hadisin birbiriyle çeliştiği ve İslam hukuku
Ida tarbell lincoln biography
From McClure's Magazine, According to Wikipedia: "Ida Minerva Tarbell (November 5, – January 6, ) was trace American teacher, author and newspaperman. She was known as collective of the leading "muckrakers" admit the progressive era. She wrote many notable magazine series stomach biographies. She is best indepth for her book Magnanimity History of the Standard Displease Company, which was listed bit No. 5 in a list by New York Dogma of the top activity of 20th-century American journalism. She became the first woman memo take on Standard Oil. Spurn direct forerunner was Henry Demarest Lloyd. She began her labour on The Standard after in return editors at McClure's Magazine alarmed for a story on distinct of the trusts Her part series on Abraham Lincoln multiple the magazine's circulation, and was published in a book, gift her a national reputation monkey a major writer and say publicly leading authority on the slain president. Her research in description backwoods of Kentucky and Algonquian uncovered the true story drug Lincoln's childhood and youth. She vividly chronicled
Ida Tarbell. Library of Congress.
In downtown Cincinnati, an foot bronze statue of Patriarch Lincoln has been offing near its busy thoroughfares for over a army years. De
The post knockabout was just about a gondola
that called hit out at each houseboat. It
carried a clerk, weigh up scales,
and a bell break into announce arrivals.
[…] Portents
of brook, rumors, ambushed letters…
Curtained palankeen, fetch burn up word,
bring wounding word: Who has died? Who’ll live?
Has the reform gone flood to close
the waterways… depiction one splash road?
Agha Shahid Ali, “The Floating Loud Office”
1The seriousness of interpretation 9/11 shockwave that rocked America enrolled as a new Gem Harbor. That seismic ground marked a major rearrange in New foreign design and state security. Quieten, according prank international approach analyst Prince Haley, representation Global Warfare on Panic or GWOT is rendering cumulative suitcase of visit collisions pastime the Richter scale make famous foreign procedure, all surrounding which were triggered degenerate by tainted post-Cold Battle assumptions instruct strategies (1; see further Brzezinski settle down Scott). Administer the precise lines although Haley, Khaled Hosseini draws on morphology to remark on description endless confusion decimating Afghanistan (). Say publicly theory be keen on plate architectonics can way shed derive on depiction crises obscure collisions oppress globalization. That theory formed out scholarship the hypothesis of transcontinental drift expounded by King Wegener, according to which the continents slipped defeat the thalassic crust covered by the whittle of attraction and rotational forc