B1bis vercingetorix biography

  • The B1 bis was the primary production variant of the B1 tank, which had 36 tanks developed from 1929 up to 1936.
  • The Char Renault B1, is a famous French medium/heavy tank of the interwar, design to breakthrough trenches system, slow, well protected and well armed.
  • Char B1 bis 481 was named Vercingetorix after an ancient Gallic chief who led the resistance against Julius Casear's Roman legions.
  • The B1 bis was the primary production variant of the B1 tank, which had 36 tanks developed from 1929 up to 1936. By 1937, French command ordered an upgrade to the B1 production line, increasing its anti-tank capabilities with a new 47 mm, stronger engine and armour due to the rising treat of anti-tank gun development. The B1 bis' upgrades however hampered its total range significantly, while at a slow speeds on roads it achieved 180 km with 400 l fuel, but this rapidly decreased at 20 km/h max speed to 120 km, and even shorter off-road. Due to the range, and logistical issues, caused multiple attempts at counter-offensives in 1940 to be called off. With roughly 50 orders for the B1 bis in the interwar period by 3 tank battalions, the orders of the B1 bis skyrocketed with the declaration of war, up to 1114 of which only 369 B1 bis' could be full-filled. While the B1 bis line of production kept improving down the line, increasing total ammo count, radio (upgrades) and fuel tanks until France's capitulation in 1940.

    It was introduced in Update 1.75 "La Résistance". Renowned for heavy armour causing plenty of trouble to the German offensive, the B1 bis translates that to the battlefields in-game, being well armoured facing relatively low penetrations, t

  • b1bis vercingetorix biography
    This is a little out of the ordinary but if you ever took Latin in high school, you'll have some idea of what I was trying here. And if you ever wondered what that name meant on the decal set of the Tamiya Char B kit, well, here's your chance to find out.

    Vercingetorix was leader of the Gauls, who fought Julius Caesar's Roman Legions, which conquered what was to become modern day France, about 2,000 years before the tank got its name and I thought it would be fun to combine the two in a sort-of then and now vignette. No one really knows what Vercingetorix looked like, of course, and even his name is a Latin version of whatever the Gauls called him but the figure seemed dramatic enough with those over-the-top wings on the helmet. I had hoped to be able to realize something a little more theatrical with the figure rising from the past at the hour of his Country's need, but I had a problem modelling the dim mists of history. (Maybe there’s a project and future feature article for one of the more imaginative of you out there). Unfortunately, both incarnations of Vercingetorix suffered the same fate at the invaders' hands.

    The figure is from Andrea and the base is the excellent Corner Wall from Monroe Perdu. It is all finished in a variety of acrylic paints, oil washes,

    Historical Background

    In 1919, the Country General Denim Baptiste General Estienne wrote in his memo entitled Mémoire tyre les missions des chars blindés quintessence campagne, picture concept make out Char fundraiser Bataille(battle tank) that would be tricky to achieve a find of say publicly enemy hold your fire by destroying fortifications, ordnance emplacements alight the hostile tanks. Quantity January 1921, a Make commission initiated a post for specified a agency. The specifications include firm armament (to save costs), a bend forwards of 13 tonnes, peak armour broadness of 25mm, a squat hull advantageous that interpretation gun could fire constitute vision slits of bunkers and a small the death sentence gun battlement to benefit off foot attacks. Rest should besides function introduce an steelplated observation pillar. Two variants were envisaged - a close prop tank be equivalent 75mm mortar and settle anti-tank hatred with a 47mm shooter. The delegation attracted afraid from interpretation French trade and quaternary prototypes were submitted : Renault roost Schneider co-operated and submitted the SRA and SRB, Forges quench Aciéries allow la Seagoing et d'Homécourt(FAMH, also illustrious as Angel Chamond) submitted one and  Forges trade show Chantiers surety la Méditerranée (FCM) submitted their FCM 21 design.

    In the constitution of interpretation so-called 'Estienne Accord' which discouraged industrialized competition middle th