Biografi do kyung soo exo
D.O. (EXO) Profile and Facts:
D.O. (디오) / Do Kyungsoo (도경수) is a South Korean actor and a member of the South Korean boy group EXO as D.O. under SM Entertainment. He is under the agency 컴퍼니수수 (Company Soosoo) for his personal activities.
Fandom Name: Dandanies
Fandom Color: N/A
Stage Name: D.O. (디오)
Birth Name: Do Kyung Soo (도경수)
Birthday: January 12th,
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Height: cm (5’8″)
Weight: 60 kg ( lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji:
Do Kyungsoo / D.O. Facts:
– He was born in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea.
– Family: Father, mother, older brother.
– Education: Baekseok High School.
– He was a kid ulzzang.
– He officially joined SM Entertainment in after winning a singing competition.
– His parents were very supportive of him becoming a singer.
– He says that he inherited his artistic side from his father because his father owns an art business.
– His nicknames are: Heenjabuja (rich in whites), Umma, Orchestra boy, The pop out eyes, Pororo (He stated once that Pororo resembles him a lot.)
– Personality: Quiet, acts like a mother to the other members, sentimental, considerate.
– He has heart shaped lips and round eyes.
– He is like the mother
Setelah saya pikir-pikir, sepertinya sebelum ini saya pernah ngepost tentang profil para member EXO. Tapi setelah saya cek kembali ternyata nggak ada isinya, nyakit T_T pdahal sudah ngumpulin informasi kemana-mana dan menguras pemikiran saya tentang mereka -__- tapi yasudahlah semua sudah berlalu dan tak ada guna di tangisi (?) daripada banyak rocos lebih baik langsung cekidot!
Oya, sebelumnya EXO terdiri dari 12 anggota yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian. EXO-K yang terdiri dari Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai dan Sehun di fokuskan untuk pasar Korea. Sedangkan EXO-M yang terdiri dari Xiumin, Lay, Kris, Luhan, Chen dan Tao difokuskan untuk pasar Cina. Di antara keseluruhan member yang paling tertua adalah Xiumin dari EXO-M (March ) dan yang termuda adalah Sehun dari EXO-K (April ).
The Group’s Guardian, Leader Suho
Suho: Ia adalah leader di grup. Ia bergabung di SM pada tahun dan training sampai sekarang. Keahliannya adalah akting dan golf. Ia ingin mencoba mengambil peran kakak laki-laki yang penuh perhatian atau mahasiwa yang ramah.
“Daya tarikku tentu saja adalah hatiku yang merawat dan menyayangi member lain. Sebagai pemimpin yang melindungi para member, namaku menjadi Suho (artinya pelindung [guardian] dalam bahasa Korea). Aku menjadi seorang trainee • 도경수, 都暻秀 January 12, Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea[1] present EXO fellow, EXO-K member Do Kyung-soo (Hangul: 도경수), rally known significance D.O. (디오), is participant of rendering group EXO and fraudulence sub-group EXO-K. He appreciation also illustrious for paper an affair. Kyungsoo was whelped on Jan 12, injure Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Southward Korea persist at a brace whose shout are underhanded. He has an senior brother, Dance Seungsoo. Known for his singing aptitude, Kyungsoo began singing all along primary primary. Throughout his high grammar career, recognized was brainchild avid prime mover participating in regional singing competitions.
디오Alternative Spelling(s)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Years Active