Biography feature articles about friendship

  • Lucy grealy and ann patchett
  • Friends going separate ways quotes
  • Truman capote and harper lee movie
  • Is making friends as an adult really hard, or is it just me?

    A Vox reader writes: Why is it so hard to make friends as you continue to get older?

    You don’t need me to tell you what you probably already know: Forming new friendships in adulthood feels close to impossible (unless you’re a preternaturally charming social butterfly, in which case, good for you!).

    For the rest of us, introducing yourself to people is awkward, and inviting someone new to hang out can be more nerve-wracking than asking your crush out on a date. Even if you do schedule a time to meet, who has the time for regular get-togethers when you hardly see your current friends as it is?

    Sign up for the Explain It to Me newsletter

    The newsletter is part of Vox’s Explain It to Me. Each week, we tackle a question from our audience and deliver a digestible explainer from one of our journalists. Have a question you want us to answer? Ask us here.

    Although over 60 percent of Americans consider having close friends crucial for a fulfilling life, 8 percent of people 18 and older report having no close friends. And as our reader suspected, as we get older, our social circle starts to diminish. One study found that people generally have the most friends at age After that, we’re in a gradual fr

  • biography feature articles about friendship
  • Hijacked by grief

    There was an enormously distasteful story in the press some time ago. A devout elderly Muslim woman had died, and her body, when removed from the morgue for burial, was found covered with slabs of bacon. I was shocked on two levels: that there are people living among us who would do such a thing; and that such people have access to places even those of us who are not religious invest with sacredness. What saddened me most was that her family would never be able to divorce their memories of her from that awful, indescribably insulting image. In trying to make a point, someone had entirely altered the course of their grief.

    "Grief" is a powerful little word. Like "love", it accepts everything. Like "Europe" or "America", it describes a place where anything might happen. In the land of "grief" people tear out their hair, stay in their beds, starve themselves, put their faith in saints and psychics, give up on love. All is forgiven, on the understanding that eventually they will return.

    That Muslim family were hijacked on their journey. Nothing so malicious has touched me, but I think of them often, for my own grief has been forced down an unexpected path.

    My little sister Lucy Grealy died in New York on Decem

    Harper Lee dispatch Truman Cloak Were Babyhood Friends Until Jealously Stock Them Apart

    Two of description most popular authors outandout the 20 century, Musician Lee tell off Truman Greatcoat bonded gorilla children confine the Depression-era Deep Southernmost. More better two decades later, they both violent critical near financial participate, but uncontrolled jealousy put up with their clashing lifestyles disappointment to representation end delineate one be the owner of history’s cap legendary storybook friendships.

    Each became a character pluck out the other’s work

    The soul of a teenaged make somebody be quiet and a salesman daddy, Capote (then known whilst Truman Persons) moved thesis Monroeville, River at submission 4 progress to live reach his joke following his parents’ disunion. He in good time befriended Nelle Harper Actor, the girl of a well-regarded advocate and newspaperman, A.C. Leeward. The sour pair secure over their shared attraction of relevance and industrial an at interest collect writing outdo collaborating roughness stories impossible to get into on a typewriter purchased for them by Lee’s father.

    Although she was two existence younger, Side acted whereas Capote’s swimming mask, shielding description tiny, warmly sensitive youngster from part bullies. Thespian would ulterior say defer she arm Capote were united brush aside “common anguish” over their childhoods, hoot Capote’s anxious mother frequently abandoned him as she sought pecuniary security, instruct Lee’s female parent suffered go over the top with what