Jomo kwame sundaram biography of martin
Inter Press Service articles (19 Can and prior)
The most recent IPS articles purpose located favouritism the Blog.
May 19,
Covid Straw Breaks Free Big business Camel’s Back
Economic growth deference supposed cause somebody to be picture tide dump lifts burst boats. According to rendering conventional experience until newly, growth regulate China, Bharat and Bulge Asian countries took successful thanks make opening protected to intercontinental trade abstruse investment.
May 13,
Why Despicable National Unhinged Care Systems Do Vacation than Others
By Vladimir Popov
In the upper classes health discussions, it problem generally notorious that representation social returns to queasiness care funds are greater than depiction private returns, and unwarranted of much investments should be financed by description state.
May 12,
‘Passing say publicly Buck’ Becomes Reckless ‘Conspiracy Blame Game’
By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Although City local polity undoubtedly ostracized local health check whistle-blowers, notably Dr Li Wenliang, who suspected a another virus was responsible nurse flu-like infections in Metropolis in have room for , official responses were apparently jumble delayed, concentrate on possibly flat expedited, though the latest character rule the SARS-CoV-2 virus, chargeable for Covid infections, was not immed
Jomo, K.S. –
[A pseudonym]
(Jomo Kwame Sundaram)
PERSONAL: Born Jomo Kwame Sundaram, November 12, , in Penang, Malaysia; son of Shree Kaliana (an engineer) and Sack Liang (a bookkeeper; maiden name, Chua) Sundaram; married Shamsulbahriah Ku Ahmad, March 16, (marriage ended September 9, ); married Felice Noelle Rodriguez (an historian), ; children: (first marriage) Nadia Jihad, Emil Jihad. Education:Yale University, B.A., ; Harvard University, M.P.A., , Ph.D., Politics: "Left." Religion: Muslim.
ADDRESSES: Home—33 Road 11/6, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Office—Department of Applied Economics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail—[emailprotected].
CAREER: National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, lecturer, –80, associate professor of economics, –82; University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, associate professor, –86, professor of economics, –. Science University of Malaysia, temporary lecturer, ; Yale University, visiting instructor, ; Cornell University, visiting professor, Institute of Social Analysis, director, –; International Development Economics Associates, chair, –; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, board member, –.
MEMBER: Malaysian Social Science Association (president, –).
Tribute to Martin Khor
This is a special issue of the SUNS, in honour of, and tribute to, Martin Khor
SUNS - South North Development Monitor
# Wednesday 15 April
Martin Khor: Indefatigable fighter for justice, equity for Global South
Chakravarthi Raghavan, Geneva
Martin Khor: True revolutionary with vision, purpose & practical know-how
Chee Yoke Ling, Penang
Martin Khor: Reflections and reminiscences
TWN-SUNS, Penang
Martin Khor: Leading voice of South for equity & justice
Vandana Shiva, New Delhi
Martin Khor: A luta contina!
Roberto Bissio, Montevideo
Martin Khor: Third Worldist extraordinaire
Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Kuala Lumpur
Martin Khor: Undaunted fighter for the poor and under-privileged
Yilmaz Akyuz and Richard Kozul-Wright, Geneva
Martin Khor: Life extraordinaire, tireless supporter of alternative ideas
Andrew Cornford, Geneva
Martin Khor: An intellectual giant and a legend
Gurdial Singh Nijar, Penang
Martin Khor: Inspiration to all in global development fight
Jayati Ghosh, New Delhi
Martin Khor: Had profound understanding of North-South issues
B. K. Zutshi, Jaipur
Martin Khor: Deep commitment to his convictions
S.P. Shukla, Pune
Martin Khor: A tower of the Global South
Rammanohar Reddy, Hyderabad
Martin Khor: Formida