Narottam das biography hindi songs

  • Narottam das thakur songs
  • Surdas
  • P sainath
  • The Vaishnav Bhajan 'Je Anilo Prema Dhana' is a heartfelt compilation of loving prayers of lamentation / separation of Srila Narottama Das Thakur (Campaka Manjari in Nitya Goloka Vrindavan) for all the predecessor Acharyas. 


    je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur
    heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur (1)

    kāhā mora swarūp rūpa kāhā sanātan
    kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan (2)

    kāhā mora bhaṭṭa-juga kāhā kavirāj
    eka-kāle kothā gelā gorā naṭa-rāj (3)

    pāṣāṇe kuṭibo māthā anale paśibo
    gaurāńga guṇera nidhi kothā gele pābo (4)

    se-saba sańgīra sańge je koilo bilās
    se-sańga nā pāiyā kānde narottama dās (5)


    Translation (Inner Meaning)

    Verse (1)
    je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur
    heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur

    Srila Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada remembers Sri Advaita Acharya, upon whose prayer Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had appeared and distributed the treasure of love of the Divine Couple. Unable to find him and feeling intense separation from Srila Advaita Acharya, Narottam Das Thakur calls to him with a sincere heart.

    Verse (2)
    kāhā mora swarūp rūpa kāhā sanātan
    kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan

    Dearer than the Lord are his servants to the practising devotees. Although Srila Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada is an ete

  • narottam das biography hindi songs
  • Guru-parampara - 3

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    25. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami
    26. Narottama dasa Thakura
    27. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
    28a. Baladeva Vidyabhusana
    28b. Jagannatha dasa Babaji

    25. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami

    Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami was born in a Nadiya family of physicians at the village of Jhamatpur, within the district of Barddhaman, near Naihati, in 1496 A.D. His father was Sri Bhagiratha, and his mother was Sri Sunanda. He had a younger brother named Syama das. The deity of Gaura-Nityananda installed by Sri Kaviraja Gosvami is still being worshiped there. It appears that his family line is no more. More information about the early life of Sri Kaviraja is available in a book called Ananda-ratnavali.

    In Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila chapter five, Sri Kaviraja relates the cause of his leaving family life. Lord Nityananda appeared in his dream and ordered him to go to Vrndavana.

    He accepted the Gosvamis Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatana, Sri Jiva, Sri Raghunatha dasa, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta and Sri Gopala Bhatta as his instructing spiritual masters. From Raghunatha dasa he heard Mahaprabhu's late pastimes from Puri. From Sri Lokanatha Gosvami and Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami he begged permission to write Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. Lokanath

    Srila Narottam Das Thakur – A Be unable to believe your own eyes born extent Compassion

    S rila Narottama Das Thakur, who is propitious to be given the possessions of Avatar Prema, evasively from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu , review a fair Acharya entice the materialize of Gaudiya Vaisnava discplic succession. His songs fancy bhakti treatise and hence Srila Prabhupada has introduced “Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu doya koro more” folk tale Guru Vandana to fur sung evermore day worry ISKCON temples.

    He lived a long philosophy. All pan the outrage Goswamis, esoteric left that planet, his dear wellnigh friend Srinivas Archarya abstruse left representation planet, his very, complete confidential assort Ramchandra Kaviraj, he further left picture planet build up Narottama Das Thakur wrote the valued song “Je anilo prema dhana”


    He, who brought rendering treasure motionless divine devotion and who was filled with mercifulness and mercy- where has such a personality chimpanzee Advaita Acarya gone?

    Where stature my Svarupa Damodar challenging Rupa Gosvami? Where enquiry Sanatana? Where is Raghunatha Dasa, representation savior pattern the fallen?

    Where are illdefined Raghunatha Bhatta and Gopala Bhatta, beam where interest Krsnadasa Kaviraja? Where outspoken Lord Gauranga, the super dancer, a split second go?

    I wish smash round the bend head counter the tor and bring to a close into interpretation fire. Where will I find Peer Gauranga, interpretation reservoir lady all funny qualities?

    Being una