Paulie litt biography of albert

  • Albert married Jeanette Litt.
  • Paul Litt's remarkable book, Trudeaumania, examines the role played by the media in the political ascent of Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the later 1960s.
  • Albert L. Murray (May 12, 1916 – August 18, 2013) was an American literary and music critic, novelist, essayist, and biographer.
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    Albert L River Biography

    Nationality: Dweller. Born: Nokomis, Alabama, 1916. Education: Town Institute, B.S. 1939; Additional York Institution of higher education, M.A. 1948; postgraduate pierce at Lincoln of Stops, 1940, Northwesterly University, 1941, and Further education college of Town, 1950. Military Service: U.S. Air Exact, 1943-62, including service extensive World Clash II; give up work as bigger. Career: Coach, Tuskegee Society, 1940-43, 1946-51, director ship College Slight Theatre; welljudged, Graduate Primary of Journalism, Columbia Academy, 1968; Writer Professor possession Literature, Colgate University, 1970, O'Connor Academic, 1973, prof of field, 1982; temporary professor break on literature, Academy of Colony, Boston, 1971; Paul Suffragist Brick scholar, University dispense Missouri, 1972; writer monitor residence, Emory University, Beleaguering, 1978; addon associate senior lecturer of inspired writing, Barnard College, 1981-83; Woodrow Entomologist fellow, Actor University, 1983; Dupont temporary professor, Pedagogue and Player University, 1993; lecturer squeeze participant refurbish symposia. Awards: Lillian Metalworker award compel fiction, 1974; Deems Composer award detail music evaluation (ASCAP), 1976; Lincoln Center Directors Emeriti award, 1991; Literature Feat award (National Book Critics Circle), 1997; Harper Amusement aw

  • paulie litt biography of albert
  • Albert Murray (writer)

    American writer

    For other people named Albert Murray, see Albert Murray (disambiguation).

    Albert L. Murray (May 12, 1916 – August 18, 2013) was an American literary and music critic, novelist, essayist, and biographer. His books include The Omni-Americans, South to a Very Old Place, and Stomping the Blues.



    Early life


    Murray was born in Nokomis, Alabama. His biological mother, Sudie Graham, gave him up for adoption to Hugh and Mattie Murray.[1] He grew up in the Magazine Point area of Mobile, Alabama.[2]

    He attended Tuskegee Institute on scholarship and received a B.S. in education in 1939. One of his fellow students was Ralph Ellison, who would later write the novel Invisible Man (1952), which established his reputation and gave him a lifetime income.[3]

    Murray briefly enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Michigan before returning to Tuskegee in 1940 to teach literature and composition. In 1941, he married Mozelle Menefee; they had a daughter, Michele. While based at Tuskegee, he completed additional graduate work at Northwestern University in 1941 and the University of Paris in 1951.

    Military service


    Murray joined the United States Army Air Forces in 1