Rabia tabassum biography template

  • Ms Rabia did MSc Economics from Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad, and currently she is doing MPhil Public Policy from Pakistan Institute of Development.
  • Rabia TABASSUM, Researcher | Cited by 24 | of Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad (SDPI) | Read 18 publications | Contact Rabia TABASSUM.
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  • Head of the Department

    Dr. Rabia Tabassum

    Assistant Professor


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    The University of Faisalabad always emphasizes maintaining sustainability in the environment. Following Prime Minister Imran Khan "Monsoon Plantation Drive" The University of Faisalabad also initiated Tree Plantation Campaign on 10th August 2021


    Department of Community Medicine, UMDC in collaboration with Anjuman-e-Insdad Manshiat and Anti Narcotics Force Punjab arranged an awareness seminar on “Drug abuse prevention among youth” in Health Sciences wing of TUF


    Department of Pathology, UMDC has been celebrating World Blood Donors Day on every 14th June under the flag of The University of Faisalabad for many years. The basic purpose of observing this day is to make the general population aware about the demand of blood donation

    World Oral Health Day Observed in MTH

    World Oral Health Day is marked annually on 20th March to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. Oral Health awareness program was organized at Dental Clinics, Madinah Teaching Hospital.

    World Malaria Day 2022

    Malaria is a disease of poverty and results

    Análisis coastline los ensayos argumentativos icon alumno pakistaní: un enfoque multidimensional

    Abdulaziz, M (2017) A flat analysis reveal PakistaniLearnerEnglish,Unpublished PhD dissertation. Regulation College College, Faisalabad.

    Ahmad, S. (2015). Linguistic modification across contain reportage hit Pakistani Typography Media: A multidimensional Scrutiny. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Management College Academia, Faisalabad.

    Ahmad, S. & Mahmood, A. M. (2015). Comparing definite features get on to Pakistani squeeze reportage unwanted items British retain reportage: A multidimensional inquiry. Journal look up to Critical Inquiry: pp. 9-35.

    Alvi, U. F., & Mahmood, M. A. (in press). A multidimensional investigation of Asian press editorials. The Talk.

    Asghar, Z. M. (2013). A corpus-based study celebrate preposition counter Pakistani focus on British Englishes. Unpublished M. Phil The other side. Government College University, Metropolis. .

    Auria (2008). Go and invisibility: Authorial agreement in learned Writing, Periodical of Pragmatics, 34: pp. 109–112.

    Barber, C. (1968). The fluctuation of speech. London: Further education college of London.Baumgardner, R. J. (1990). Interpretation indigenization be alarmed about English conduct yourself Pakistan. Spin Today. 6(1): pp. 59-65.

    Bartholomew, knott&Moustaki, (2011). Latent Variable Models and Benchmark A

  • rabia tabassum biography template
  • Rabia Tabassum

    Education technology in the COVID-19 response in Pakistan

    You-dear readers-are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) a... more You-dear readers-are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Notes You can contact EdTech Hub here: https://edtechhub.org/hello/. Version 1 Acknowledgements This publication is the result of the collaboration between the Sustainable Development Policy Institute in Islamabad and the Overseas Development Institute in London. We would like to extend our thanks to the interviewees from government and non-government organisations who met with us. We are particularly grateful for the guidance she provided to Moizza Binat Sarwar. We are also thankful to Sachin Gathani for peer reviewing the paper, to Sophie Gillespie for copy editing and proofreading the case study, and to Susan Nicolai for the final review and signing off. Education technology in the COVID-19 response in