Shipra malik biography of albert einstein

  • Rafal marszalek contact
  • Scientific reports editorial board members
  • Rafal marszalek scientific reports
  • Editors

    Scientific Reports is run by a team of experienced editors who are experts in their fields. From our Editorial Board Members and Senior Editorial Board to our in-house Editors, we work togetherResearch integrity issue to ensure that your research is expertly handled and that we consider it to be technically sound, scientifically valid, and ultimately suitable for publication.

    Interview with Rafal Marszalek, Chief Editor of Scientific Reports



    In-house Editors

    Chief Editor: Rafal Marszalek, PhD; Springer Nature, UK

    Rafal's background is analytical and biological chemistry. He did his PhD and postdoctoral research in single-cell proteomics at Imperial College London, UK. He was an editor at Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports in August 2016.

    ORCID 0000-0003-0316-1363

    Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Mann, PhD; Springer Nature, UK

    Elizabeth has a background in pharmacology and completed her PhD in neuropharmacology at King's College London, UK. She joined Scientific Reports in January 2019.

    ORCID 0000-0003-2616-3193

    Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Nature, India

    Sweta has a background in Nanochemistry and completed her PhD in Chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. Her interests lie in nanopartic

  • shipra malik biography of albert einstein
  • Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

    GBD 2021 Stroke Risk Factor Collaborators:

    Valery L Feigin  1 , Melsew Dagne Abate  2 , Yohannes Habtegiorgis Abate  3 , Samar Abd ElHafeez  4 , Foad Abd-Allah  5 , Ahmed Abdelalim  5 , Atef Abdelkader  6 , Michael Abdelmasseh  7 , Sherief Abd-Elsalam  8 , Parsa Abdi  9 , Arash Abdollahi  10 , Meriem Abdoun  11 , Rami Abd-Rabu  12 , Deldar Morad Abdulah  13 , Auwal Abdullahi  14 , Mesfin Abebe  15 , Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zuñiga  16 , E S Abhilash  17 , Olugbenga Olusola Abiodun  18 , Olumide Abiodun  19 , Rahim Abo Kasem  20 , Richard Gyan Aboagye  21 , Mohamed Abouzid  22 , Lucas Guimarães Abreu  23 , Woldu Aberhe Abrha  24 , Dariush Abtahi  25 , Samir Abu Rumeileh  26 , Ahmed Abualhasan  5 , Hasan Abualruz  27 , Eman Abu-Gharbieh  28 , Hana J Abukhadijah  29

    Faculty Profiles


    Abbasi, Hamza, M.D.

    Abdelmalik, Putz, MD, PhD

    Abdelradi, Amr, M.D.

    Abdul Aziz, Rabheh, MD, MS

    Abeles, Jennifer, DO

    Ablove, Robert, MD

    Ablove, Tova, MD

    Abramowitz, David, MD

    Acehan, Devrim

    Adams, Aaron

    Adams, Cristine, MD, FACEP

    Adams, Christian, MD

    Adelaiye-Ogala, Remi, PhD

    Adragna, Archangel, MD

    Aftab, Lalarukh, MD

    Ahmad, Misbah, MD

    Akers, Stacey, M.D.

    Alam, Naheed, M.D.

    Albanese, Matthew

    Alevriadou, Barbara Rita, PhD

    Alex, Ashley, MD

    Alexander, Jessy, PhD

    Algattas, Hanna, MD

    Alico, Lindsey, MS, CGC

    Aliotta, Philip, MD

    Almadhoun, Osama, MD

    Almyroudis, Nikolaos, MD

    Alvarez Perez, Amy, MD

    Ambrus, Junior, Julian, MD

    Ambrusko, Steven, MD, MS

    Amin, Sahar

    Amin, Shaily, M.D.

    Anand, Renata, MD

    Anders, Mark, MD

    Anderson, Jacob

    Andreadis, Stylianos, PhD

    Andrews, In a state, MD, PhD

    Andrzejewski, Kelly, Activities, PhD

    Anker, Jeffrey, MD

    Ansari, Jamal

    Anson, Erika, MD

    Antonius, Daniel, PhD

    Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie, PhD

    Appelstein, Samara, DO

    Aras, Kedar, Ph.D.

    Archer, III, Fred, MD

    Armbruster, Chelsie, PhD

    Arnoldi-Jolley, Kyle, CO

    Aronica, Archangel, MD, MSc

    Arora, Pradeep, MD

    Arrizabalaga, Gustavo, Ph.D.

    Arshad, Ayesha

    Ashraf, Has